Wearing a tie could damage the brain


The ideal is to use it so as to allow the flow of blood to the brain, so that it receives oxygen and glucose.

Scientists from the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital recruited 30 volunteers for this study. half wore a tie and the other half no, these 15 were asked to tie a knot and tighten it to the point of causing a nuisance.

Subsequently, the volunteers underwent three scans consisting of: putting the tie loosely with the neck unbuttoned, another with the buttoned collar and the last with a loose tie and unbuttoned collar again. Among the results, it was found that men who wore a tie had a lower flow rate than those who did not wear a tie.

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Ideally, the use of a tie allows a steady flow of blood to the brain, so that it receives oxygen and glucose to work properly.

The study presents a number of limitations due to the size of the sample or to the extent in the thinking skills among the participants. However, experts have added that overweight men have high blood pressure and a history of heart disease that can put their health at risk.

Scientists at the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital recruited 30 volunteers for this study. half wore a tie and the other half was not, these 15 were ordered to knot and tighten to the point of causing a nuisance.

Subsequently, the volunteers underwent three scans consisting of: putting the tie loosely with the neck unbuttoned, another with the buttoned collar and the last with a loose tie and unbuttoned collar again. Among the results, it was found that men who wore a tie had a lower flow rate than those who did not wear a tie.

In this sense, the ideal is that wearing a tie allows a flow of blood to the brain, so that it receives oxygen and glucose to function properly.

The study involves a number of limitations due to the size of the sample or to the extent of some potential changes in participants' thinking abilities. However, experts have added that overweight men have high blood pressure and a history of heart disease that can put their health at risk.

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