Weather Forecast in Quintana Roo


Editorial Board
CANCÚN, Q. Roo. For today, a partly cloudy sky is expected during the day, in the afternoon isolated rains are expected in the Yucatan and Quintana Roo . The hot and windy weather is 20 to 35 kilometers per hour and gusts up to 50 kilometers per hour on the coasts of Campeche and Yucatan, reported the National Meteorological Service (NMS).

Forecast for Cancun

According to The Weather Channel, a partly cloudy sky with a probability of storms is forecast. The winds will oscillate between 10 and 15 kilometers per hour, with a probability of 30% of rain; the maximum temperature should reach 33 degrees Celsius during the day, while at night it should drop to 23 degrees Celsius.

State of Chetumal

One expects today to a partially covered sky. The winds will be 10 to 15 kilometers per hour . The minimum temperature hovers at 25 degrees Celsius with 10% chance of rain, while the maximum is expected to reach 33 degrees during the day, according to The Weather Channel Chetumal website.

Weather on the beach del Carmen

Today the formation of thunderstorms is scheduled in the afternoon. The winds will be 10 to 15 kilometers per hour. The minimum temperature hovers at 25 degrees Celsius with 40% chance of rain, while the maximum should reach 32 degrees during the day, according to the website The Weather Channel

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