Weight hit by new Trump threats against Mexico


MEXICO CITY (Expansion) – Donald Trump's Twitter threats against Mexico hit the Mexican peso again, which lost more than 1% against the dollar on Thursday after the US president warned to send the army to the border south of his country.

At the counters of banks, the greenback rose to 19.45 pesos, 30 cents more than the last price last Wednesday, and the purchase amounts to 18.60 pesos, according to Citibanamex quote.

By and large, the dollar closed at 19,1185 pesos for sale, representing a loss of 1.49%, or 28 cents for the national currency compared to the previous official close, say data from the Bank of Mexico ( Banxico).

The dollar in cash reached 19 pesos after five sessions below. Previously, this currency had reached a maximum of 19.1895 pesos.

"The decline in the peso is due to the return of Donald Trump's threats," Banco BASE's director of economic and financial analysis, Gabriela Siller, said in a report.

Trump announced on Thursday that he would close the border with Mexico and send his army if the Mexican government did not take steps to stem the passage of migrants seeking to reach the United States from Central America countries.

He also said that border security was much more important to him than the treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC) .

"While it is likely that Trump's comments, also directed at members of the Democratic Party, are aimed at favoring his party in the mid-term elections of November 6, the market does not rule out that." After the trade agreement (…), there will still be White House threats against trade, "said Siller.

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