Well-known Mexican singer, the crush of Colombian Maluma


Few people can boast of having met in person the idol that they yearned for in their youth, let alone having the opportunity to dance with that person. Maluma joined this small group of lucky people when two years ago he had the opportunity to collaborate with Thalía on the subject " Since that night ".

] A whole generation, Maluma grew up watching, from the television of his house, the telenovelas that played in Mexico Thalía and since then he fell in love of his innocence in "María la del barrio."

"Well, I had a little crush …" confessed the singer Maluma about the series "Growing Up Latino" on the Billboard portal.

Thalía, it was a bombshell! In Maria the delrio barrio papi … It was my crush …

At that time, Maluma did not share this little detail while promoting his single and presented it live at the Lo Nuestro Awards the same year , perhaps to avoid uncomfortable situations. That, Thalia is a married woman and mother of two children. On the other hand, when they met, their old Platonist love was already 44 years old, but the truth is that for the artist, it seems that no day has been elapsed since his time as star of the small screen [19659007] On this note:

  • Since that night
  • Maluma
  • Thalia

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