What are the consequences of eating late? : Your doctor


According to scientists at the Institute of Global Health in Barcelona, ​​Spain, there are many consequences of the end of the meal for health and indicate that it is crucial to eat at least two hours before going to bed. risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer .

To reach this conclusion, the experts analyzed more than 600 cases of prostate cancer and 1205 breast cancers. 19659002] Study participants were asked a series of questions about when they had dined and gone to bed

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Consequences of late dinner [19659006] After analyzing the results, it was found that people who ate at least two hours before going to bed were 20% less likely to develop tumors malignant that those who were going to sleep immediately after dinner

 dine late

Manolis Kogevinas principal investigator of the study, says that this protective effect was also observed among those who dined at nine o'clock in the evening. night or before compared to people who had dinner after 10 hours.

The explanation for this effect is in the circadian rhythms humans who are modified by dining very late.

The consequences of late dinner will also depend on what we eat, because if our diet is based on refined sugars, fats and flours during the day, we will fall asleep with an energy imbalance and damage our health [19659009] >> 10 tips for not growing in the summer

For example, some studies have shown information about the quality of foods such as red meat or sausages and their relationship between

Meals heavy night affect the digestive process and cause common discomforts such as heaviness, colitis, inflammation and increase However, it has been proved that they are not the only consequences the end of the dinner.


In addition to this, the effects of poor or late sleep generally indicate that people with poor sleep habits or who work at night also have higher rates of sleep. elevated cancer.

"Our study concludes that dietary dietary habits are associated with a lower risk of cancer," says Kogevinas.

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(With information from W radio and Soy Carmín)

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