what are these strange little black bags that appear on the beaches in autumn


Photo: Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Facebook)

It is very likely that you have found them walking along the beach in the fall. They look like small black capsules with filaments in the corners and are reminiscent of some kind of purse. From where his name: siren wallet or devil's wallet. Its origin is completely natural. These are stingray eggs.

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A sudden proliferation of these objects on the beaches of North Carolina has recently become viral, but you do not need to go that far to see them. They can be found in any coastal area where there are rays, small sharks or chimeras. Several species of fish lay in this form and the breeding season takes place in summer. This is why it is more common to see them in autumn or early winter.

If you had the curiosity to open one of these capsules, you would have found it empty or just full of sea water. The currents and the tides characteristic of this time of the year bring empty shells to the beaches, but young people have been swimming freely in the sea for a long time. This video from the University of Cambridge shows the birth of a small line of your handbag.

The shape of the egg is not a mere whim. Hard extensions like tentacles or curved claws serve to keep the algae egg during the incubation period. In addition, they absorb oxygen from the water for the embryo. If you find one of these curious bags in the sand, already dry, it will probably be empty. However, if you see one under water and you are still exposed to algae or pebbles, it is best not to touch it. I could always have a small ray that grows inside. [vía Science Alert y Fundación Aque]

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