What are we dying? The leading causes of death in Argentina and the world


Cardiovascular disease and cancer are the leading cause of death in most countries. The regional overview and the most common lethal conditions on the planet

The Cardiovascular Problems and the Cancer responsible for almost 50% of deaths occurring in the world according to a report by the Institute for Measurements of Health and Assessment of the United States

Changes in the way of dying are a reflection of the evolution of societies and medical technology . As living standards have increased, the causes of death have changed, although they vary by country and their income level, says ABC.es.

The following graph, based on data collected by Ourworldindata shows what are currently the leading causes of death in the world.

In most countries, the leading cause of death in 2016 was cardiovascular disease (hypertension, heart attack, stroke …) and cancer while deaths due to infectious diseases or malnutrition were virtually zero in high-income countries.

However, these causes are still remarkable in low and middle-income nations . In countries such as Kenya, Chad or Burundi, diarrheal diseases are responsible for a large portion of the disappearances, while in South Africa, Namibia or Botswana, it s is about HIV / AIDS

. lower continue to be the most lethal contagious diseases. Indeed, in 2016, they were responsible for the disappearance of nearly three million people worldwide, according to data from the World Health Organization. However, progress has been made in the fight against mortality from other diseases such as diarrheal diseases or tuberculosis which, despite the top 10 causes of death in the world, have been reduced considerably since then. Year 2000.

"Mortality rates for diseases and other health factors change relatively slowly over time," the authors of the Ourworldindata report write.

"While mortality rates may increase or decrease year by year as part of a general trend, drastic changes in these deaths are generally rare. Deaths related to terrorism are an important exception to this rule: mortality disasters or the events of terrorism / conflict can be volatile, "he adds. it, according to the reports of ABC.es

Thus, although deaths related to conflicts are generally zero in most countries, there are exceptions such as Syria where in 2016, they represented 44.47% of losses or Yemen ] with a high 13.41%.

Latin America and United States [19659014] According to the report of the IHME, which leads to death in the countries of A America, is the following, according to publie ABC.es:

– Argentina. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 33.68%, is cardiovascular disease, while 21.83% is caused by cancer.

– Uruguay. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 30.98%, is cardiovascular disease, while 27.7% is caused by cancer.

– Chile. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 27.57%, is cardiovascular disease, while 26.14% is caused by cancer.

– Paraguay. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 31.05%, is cardiovascular disease, while 16.82% is caused by cancer.

– Brazil. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 29.13%, is cardiovascular disease, while 17.53% is caused by cancer.

– Colombia. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 29.24%, is cardiovascular disease, while 19.21% is caused by cancer.

– Mexico. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 22.38%, is cardiovascular disease, while 20.06% is caused by diabetes.

– United States. The leading cause of death, with a percentage of 32.51%, is cardiovascular disease, while 24.71% is caused by cancer.

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