What are you looking for with the new BIVA scholarship?


With the beginning of the operations of the new Bolsa BIVA it is sought that new stations be launched on the market.

"Clearly benefits and advantages have been seen, both in terms of competition against the Mexican stock market, but also to attract other types of companies to the market, which have new stations that BIVA, in addition to the competition in the market that already exists, yes go for these other companies and not only rely on the creation of a new stock market, but there is a set of measures to expand the market Fellow in Mexico, "said Bernardo González Rosas, president of the National Commission of Banks and Securities, at Al Sonar la Campana with Víctor Piz.

He indicated that the depth of the Mexican market, as well as its relative market value relative to other economies with the same level of economic development, is lower, so the Treasury has launched a program to detect the loopholes that limit the growth of the market. regulatory amendments were implemented in the National Commission of Banks and Securities (CNBV) National Insurance and Surety Commission (CNSF) as well as development programs of Bancomext and Nacional Financiera.

"To attract businesses that could have bank financing and bring them to the stock market, obviously to raise capital as debt, and to give a larger purse a larger transactionality to some companies that have little trading in the stock market.It is the idea of ​​the program and the challenge we have ahead, as our stock market continues to grow, as companies find a source of cheap financing and that this generates business growth in our country, "he argued.

Although he acknowledges that the operators had to face a cost to operate in BIVA and the Mexican Stock Exchange, González Rosas said that this will soon translate into profits for them.

He pointed out that the stock market regulator is ready and has the ability to oversee both stock exchanges.

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