What Britain does with Brexit "will be fine," says Trump; denies the criticism of May


US President Donald Trump said Friday that his government "will be fine" with what the British executive is doing in relation to Brexit, having already criticized its strategy.

In a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump said that "the only important thing" is that the two countries "can trade" after the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union ( EU), scheduled for March 29, 2019. [1965-9003] Trump says that an interview published today by "The Sun", in which he criticizes May's strategy with Brussels, is a "false news" because, according to him, she does not include the favorable comments that he also makes about it.

] In this interview, which provoked amazement in the UK, Trump asserts that May's Brexit plan, which proposes to create a common market of goods with the EU, will certainly "kill" any possibility of trade agreement with his country, post that in these circumstances Washington should negotiate with Brussels

See also: Trump meets Theresa May after a controversial interview of "The Sun"

The US President has qualified his position behind the wheel of a press after a bilateral meeting with Mai at the official residence of the head of government in Checkers (southeast English), the most important political event of his first official visit to the United Kingdom.

Trump said that in recent days his relations with May have progressed "quickly and well" and hailed the special historical relationship between the two countries, "an unparalleled bond" and "indispensable to the cause of freedom, of justice and peace ".

The President of the United States asserted that he and May have agreed on the need to halt the development of nuclear weapons by Iran, to strengthen cooperation in defense and "on the planet". importance of controlling the "

Trump thanked her hostess for her treatment during this visit and was particularly delighted with the dinner last night at the Blenheim Manor, where Prime Minister Winston Churchil (1874-1965) Theresa May assures today that after the departure of the United Kingdom from the EU, her country and the United States will pursue an "ambitious" trade agreement

agreed to to seek an agreement, despite its contrary threats published today in the newspaper The Sun.

"There will be no more limits to our ability to conclude trade agreements with the world once we will have left the European Union. The ladies agreement that we sent to the European Union, "said the Prime Minister.

In this way, the head of the British executive defended the agreement that this week precipitated the resignation of two of his key ministers, who understood that the UK was staying with him under the EU.

May also argued that there are no two countries "more united" than the United States and the United Kingdom in order to maintain "security" and prosperity ", while confirming the harmony between the two powers in the need to stop the development nuclear weapons by Iran.

Before reaching the podium, Trump and May advanced together through the Ladies' gardens and could be seen as he sometimes took her hand.

This is the first press conference that the two leaders held together since the May visit to Washington in January 2017, when he invited Trump to a state visit to the UK, The Official Visit – with less honors – Trump and his wife, Melania, was greeted with numerous protests across the UK and the specification. London, a city that the couple tried to avoid at all costs to avoid the rejection of the population.

After the appointment at Checkers, the Trump will go to Windsor Castle, about 40 kilometers from London, where they will have tea with Queen Elizabeth II of England, before going on a private visit to Scotland .

With information from EFE


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