What differences will the Nissan Frontier Argentina have compared to the current one?


In 2015, an investment of US $ 600 million was announced to develop the Santa Isabel plant in Cordoba for the production of three micro-means: the Nissan Frontier, Renault Alaskan and Mercedes -Benz Class X. The first of these is already by entering the assembly line .

Now available on the Mexican market, the news is that the mark has confirmed that the "made" border in Argentina will have differences from the Mexican product .

  Nissan confirmed that the national border will not be the same as that of Mexico. He will have a special configuration.
Nissan has confirmed that the national border will not be the same as the Mexican border. He will have a special configuration.

L & # 39; s goal? To have gained ground in the competitive segment of median "catas" where the Frontier is today in fifth place. According to the Association of Dealers (Acara), in the first half of 2018, it sold 1001 copies well below the 6,465 of the Chevrolet S10 9605's the ] Ford Ranger 11 611 of the Volkswagen Amarok and 19 933 of the Toyota Hilux .

At the beginning of production the percentage of local components ] will be greater than 30%, detailed in the Japanese company, with the aim of increasing it up to to reach 40% "in the short term".

  The factory in Santa Isabel, Córdoba, is ready to start producing it. It's an average pickup.
The factory in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, is ready to start producing.

To apply the changes, they subjected it to more than 90 laboratory and dynamic tests for two years of research in Latin America. Nissan argues that "will better adapt to the needs of the region" and make it "more agile, more stable, more comfortable and more durable". appearance, passing through the chassis, comfort and performance in extreme temperatures. Then, the aspects in which the brand worked punctually for the development of the Argentine border, which will reach the market this year.

  More than 90 painstaking and dynamic tests for the final development of the Argentine border.
More than 90 painstaking and dynamic tests for the definitive establishment of the Argentine border.

-The general appearance of the body, moldings, paint, lights, interiors and the quality of finishes in general

– Suspension, steering, acceleration, stability, braking system and lighting were examined

– Sound insulation in general, wind noise and engine noise were evaluated.

-Electrical, electronic, cooling and air conditioning systems were evaluated

-The durability of independent components and bodywork was tested in laboratory chambers.

  A Mexican border, as sold by act. until the arrival of Argentina to dealers.
Mexican border, such as it is currently sold until the arrival of Argentina to dealers.

-The performance was evaluated in different situations: with different weight conditions, straight, flat, bumpy, irregular and winding roads. Also at different temperatures and altitudes, from sea-level up to 3,800 meters

– Trawling capacity was tested under conditions of low and high speed, different types of surface and road.

Noise and vibration levels, as well as general performance at temperatures between -30 ° C and 50 ° C

-Atightness was validated by tests under different rain conditions.

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