What happens if you put butter in your coffee?


You probably do not know that in some places they like to put butter in coffee, you may think that it's a strange combination, but that's not the case it's actually a good way to replace them. Sweeteners and have one or the other advantage to make this mixture.

The first thing we need to clarify is that this "recipe" – born in the United States after a Tibetan practice – uses 100% natural, low fat, unsalted butter and Coconut oil. Coffee, on the other hand, is organic.

The combination is a good way not to put sugar on coffee, to reduce your consumption of sucrose in this drink. Another benefit is that it is full of good fats and, therefore, calories; that is to say you give a lot of energy for a good part of the day without having to eat other things.

The above is directly related to the acceleration of metabolism since your body is forced to burn the fats that are in your body, if you do not consume more food. Although it's not miraculous either, do not think you'll lose a lot of weight in a week.

Also, having so many calories makes you feel satisfied and does not give you hunger until six o'clock; In this way, you reduce the consumption of sugars, flours or carbohydrates during a good part of the day.

One more is that butter potentiates the effects of caffeine in the body, so you stay awake longer, improve your concentration and your memory.

The right amount of butter in your coffee is a teaspoon in a standard cup, nothing happens if you put in less or a little more (do not exceed two tablespoons).

It is important that the butter of "be of good quality and come from cows fed on the grass", recommends nutrition expert Fernanda Alvarado.

The harm comes when you drink it very often, a study by Dr. Spencer Nadolsky showed that people who drank coffee with butter for a month had higher cholesterol and triglyceride levels than in the beginning of the investigation.

Thus, although the combination is good, it may have counterproductive effects if its consumption is exceeded, once a week is sufficient. Another important point is to maintain a balanced diet to give all the necessary nutrients to our body.

They explain it in detail in this video

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