What is it and what time to see the Strawberry Moon tonight?


Throughout the year, we have been able to observe different types of phenomena that involve the Moon, which have been baptized by experts with names such as: Blue Moon, Blood Moon, Super Moon … but what is the Strawberry Moon that can be seen in the night of June 28

After Expansion the Moon will not really look like a big strawberry; According to the Almanac of the Old Farmer, this full moon was the signal for the Algonquin tribes of the Amerindians, which indicated the perfect time to harvest wild strawberries.

Other cultures have put these other names to the strawberry moon: in Europe they call it honeymoon, honeymoon moon or full moon rose. In the southern hemisphere they call it Oak Moon, Cold Moon or Long Night Moon.

According to NASA, this is not a Strawberry Moon but a Deer Moon, a Thunder Moon or a Pink Moon (the first full moon).

The phenomenon of the Strawberry Moon is that the planet of the rings will be visible to the naked eye. If today you look at the moon, you will see a "star" brighter than the others. This is not a star but a planet, the sixth of our solar system: Saturn

Saturn will be in what astronomers call "opposition", that is, say, it will be in front of the Sun the sky of the earth If you want to see their rings, you will have to get a telescope. Without the telescope you will not see the rings but you will see the planet.


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