The Government of Generalitat de Catalunya approved a decree regulating the direct sale of raw cow's milk . From now on, it will be possible to buy this drink in retail stores, in vending machines or in the own farm. As confirmed by the Ministry of Health at El País the government is also studying the implementation of a state regulation on the marketing of fresh milk unpasteurized.

The measure has raised a great controversy by the risks of raw milk . The consumption of food and beverages in the natural state can cause the ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms that harm our health. With the invention of pasteurization named in honor of Louis Pasteur it is possible to eliminate these dangerous bacteria by a technique which involves applying high temperatures during certain periods of time

. ] Risks related to raw milk

The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) published three years ago a scientific opinion on the health risks associated with the consumption of raw milk ] "There are clear links between raw milk consumption and human diseases," said the community entity at the time. Among the main pathogens are the bacteria Campylobacter Salmonella Escherichia coli Shiga toxin producer, Brucella melitensis Mycobacterium bovis and the virus of the. tick-borne encephalitis. EFSA also detected 27 outbreaks in the European Union due to the ingestion of raw milk between 2007 and 2013. 78% of these poisonings were caused by microbes of the genus Campylobacter . 19659006] The only method that guarantees the effective removal of pathogenic microorganisms in milk is pasteurization

The opinion of this European body is similar to that of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, in English) of the United States. "While most healthy people are recovering from a disease caused by harmful bacteria in raw milk – or in products made from raw milk – in a short period of time, some can develop chronic, serious symptoms or even that put his life in danger "warned the US agency

Consumers of raw milk are more likely to suffer Food poisoning and diseases such as ] brucellosis characterized by severe fevers and pain that can last for years.In addition, in vulnerable populations – such as children, women pregnant, elderly or immunocompromised people – the risks are even greater.According to a study in the United States, nearly 60% of raw milk poisoning had affected children under 5 years of age [1949004]. 59005] In pregnant women, consumption of raw milk may be associated with infection with a bacterium called Listeria which may result in abortions or death of a fetus .

" Raw milk may contain pathogenic micro-organisms and the risk could be reduced, but not eliminated through extreme hygiene practices Pasteurization is the only effective method that ensures the elimination and control of pathogenic microorganisms ", according to a published report by the Spanish Agency for Food Security and Nutrition .] (AECOSAN). "While the perceived health and nutritional benefits of raw milk consumption have not been scientifically proven The health risks are obvious, "added his counterpart in the United States." Raw milk claim that it tastes better and smells, without ever tasting. "As explained [19659016] Miguel Ángel Lurueña Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, "heat treatment can positively influence the organoleptic profile of milk", eliminating bacteria that could acidify and inactivate proteins associated with a rancid flavor, although it may also have negative effects on aroma and taste. However, bold is the parameter that most influences the organoleptic characteristics of milk. Thus, the alleged benefits of raw milk consumption have not been proven and their risks are much more dangerous.

Direct sale of raw milk in Spain

Raw milk put on the market is not available. restricted or prohibited in Spain if the requirements established by Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council are met. This Community legislation describes this product as "milk produced by the secretion of the mammary gland of meat animals which has not been heated to a temperature above 40 ° C or subjected to a treatment of equivalent effect ".

Among the conditions set, the regulation includes the absence in cows of symptoms of contagious diseases transmissible to man and udder injuries or the fact that animals are in good health, among others. Although the milk remains in the mammary gland, being sterile, "the possibilities of contamination during milking and handling of milk itself increase a lot," says pharmacist Gemma del Caño ]

The possibility of marketing raw milk in Spain according to AECOSAN is subject to the operators' compliance with the above-mentioned Community Regulation and Regulation (EC) No 852 / 2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs. However, to date, direct sale of raw milk by the producer to the final consumer or local retail establishments was prohibited in Spain on Royal Decree 640/2006 ] According to Food Safety News from other European countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Slovenia or the Czech Republic have vending machines for raw milk (known as [19659025] vintage ). 19659002] "In the field of public health, there can be many problems," says an expert in food quality, because of the lack of food security that can generate

"In the field of public health can There are a lot of problems, I'm not sure if the consumer is prepared for this type of product, "says Sandra Ciudad biotechnologist and food technologist." Are we sure people understand why it is necessary to boil the milk before consuming it? ", asks the expert consulted by Hipertextual According to City," in the end, the consumer will buy a less processed milk, and probably more expensive, to make at home the treatment that has another type of milk that exists on the market and that guarantees food safety. "" I think it's a measure that will bring more headaches and who enjoys the fashion of u "natural" diet, to return to the origins, "gap. "