What is the cause of the YouTube drop worldwide?


On Tuesday, around 8:30 pm, Twitter and Facebook users started reporting a failure on the YouTube video platform.

According to Universal, the problem was probably due to the vulnerability of the page (hacking) or a failure of programming on the Web.

The 503 error also typically appears as a sudden peak of traffic, that is, when multiple users click at the same time.

Photo: Diario Vivo

For its part, Tyler Glockner, presenter of YouTube channel "ecureteam10", said in a video that the US government and NASA orchestrated the fall of the platform in the world.

Glockner claims that the "power outage" was not accidental, but premeditated, because a few minutes before the break in service, a video had been uploaded in which a man dressed as a soldier explained that 39, an object was going to crush on the moon. the material was erased after getting thousands of hits in a short time, according to Tribuna.

In another hypothesis, Twitter users mentioned that YouTube would have dropped worldwide because of a video revealing the existence of reptilians, according to Milenio.

Photo: the territory

With information from El Univeral, Milenio and Tribuna

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