What is the difference between PREP, exit polls and fast counting?


On Sunday, July 1, you will surely see different results of the elections in Mexico, since that day investigations, quick counts and PREP are presented, then Pamela San Martín, Councilor of the National Electoral Institute (INE), He explained what each of them consists.

Exit surveys are done by the media, not by the INE

"They are a survey of a sample of voters, they are asked: Who did you vote for? " then respond to what they answer may be coincide with the vote that they cast or not, and on the basis of those answers that have on what voters say that they did in the urnes estimates are made to give what would be the trends of the results "

He added that these surveys are not based on the actual number.

The Quick Count is based on the actual count and The INE does it

"It is documents where the results are recorded the night of the election. the votes cast in a box, in a sample of about 7000 700 squares more or less across the stratified country to be representative and allow us to make a valid reference, "he said.

This will be announced around 23:00 local time Sunday and, according to the counselor, will always coincide with the PREP

The PREP is not a sample, it is one by one every minute of every box, although the results are not received in a specific order and until there is a significant advance the results may be moving.

At 8 o'clock in the morning of July 2 and you will have 80% of minutes counted.

"The image (of the computational exam) will be removed from the box in a lot of cases, that is, we will not wait for the time from the trip between the square and the district to know the result that this election is very big, there will be a lot of elections in a square, "he said.

He added that as soon as the officials of the polling stations will have the minutes that record the results, in most cases, the image will be sent, it will be scanned for the PREP and the results will be known. . immediately to the extent that the minutes are received.

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