What is the health of eating a bag salad?




Wed, 18 Jul 2018, 4:03

5 of 5

It is advisable to choose fresh food and not a bag.

expedited makes us resort to finding more convenient options for feeding, canned or prepared food, is one of our favorite options. But if it's about finding healthy alternatives to take care of the "line", favorites are bag salads, but be careful as you could go to the hospital!

Bag salads are the most comfortable to eat because everything is cut, washed, "disinfected" and ready to eat, however, according to a report from the Department of Infectious and Immune Diseases at the University of Leicester in England, these bags of salad "are a breeding ground for salmonella."

Salmonellosis is one of the major diarrheal diseases. In most cases, salmonellosis is mild but can sometimes be fatal. According to the World Health Organization, every year, one in ten people get salmonella. The main causes are unhealthy foods.

This report determines that even though bags are sealed, salmonella adheres to salad leaves and if they do not wash in detail, thinking that it is ready to eat, bacteria enters the body [19659008Thesymptomsofsalmonellosisare:feverabdominalpaindiarrheanauseaandvomitingThiscanmanifestitselfbetweensixand72hoursafterconsumingit

This research from the University of Leicester showed that the juice released by the broken leaves doubled the growth of salmonella, up to 2000 400 times, no matter how low-temperature salad is for conservation .

The WHO recommends washing fruits and vegetables carefully, especially if they are eaten raw. If possible, vegetables and fruits should be peeled. Therefore, the importance of washing the food, even if you think you are ready to consume.

It is better to choose fresh and non-bagged foods.


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