What Jimmy Morales said and said during Mike Pence's visit


  President Jimmy Morales' speech was lukewarm in the face of the application of Donald Trump's immigration policies, according to experts. (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE)
President Jimmy Morales' speech was lukewarm before the implementation of Donald Trump's migration policy, according to experts. (Prensa Libre: EFE)

In addition to the lukewarm political positions shown by the leaders of the Isthmus concerning the separation of migrant children at the border Jimmy Morales mentioned several issues in his speech they were not necessarily attached to the facts.


The president spoke of the Fuego Volcano disaster on June 3, which devastated several communities of Escuintla. Morales thanked the help of neighboring countries, the help that reached the borders of the day of the disaster.

However, the President omitted the complaints that resulted after the aid was withheld at the borders, which complicated his arrival in the form immediately to zero. The president specified that there are laws that must be fulfilled.


President Morales mentioned strengthening borders as one of the big issues he worked on during his administration. However, smuggling for these remains high and leaves millions of quetzales in losses for the economy.

A recent survey of the Guatemalan Food and Beverage Chamber (CGAB) and the Anti-Smuggling Observatory showed the existence of three new routes used by smugglers to enter the goods and avoid seizure of products and payment of taxes.

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About fifty trucks of five, 10 and up to 20 tons of various products enter only in Tecún Umán, San Marcos, the distribution point for the other sectors in the south of the country.

Last March, President Morales declared that military troops assigned to citizen security tasks would be sent to reinforce the borders; however, it was announced later that some three thousand soldiers would be fired.

  Smuggling leaves millions of quetzales in losses in the country. (Photo: PL Newspaper Library)
Smuggling leaves millions of quetzales at a loss in the country. (Photo: Hemeroteca PL)


In his speech, Morales mentions his concern about the separation of migrant children at the borders; However, when the global repudiation of Donald Trump's policy enforcement appeared, along with the Zero Tolerance plan, the Government of Guatemala was widely criticized for its belated response.

Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Canada expressed their rejection almost immediately, not the Government of Guatemala.

  The late reaction of the government of Jimmy Morales to condemn the separation of families at the borders has caused outrage. Migrants prosecuted in McAllen, Texas. (Free Photo Prensa: EFE)
The late reaction of the government of Jimmy Morales to condemn the separation of families at the borders has caused outrage. Migrants prosecuted in McAllen, Texas. (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE)

The spokesman of the presidency at the time, Heinz Hiemann, provoked outrage when he declared that the government respected the sovereignty of the countries , concerning the application of the separation of families at the border, which led to his dismissal for expressing a position "which was not that of the government".

However, in his speech, the president confirmed to Pence that the government "respected the sovereignty of the United States".

Read more: Heinz Hiemann is fired: These were his most controversial statements

Morales seconded the presidents of the Northern Triangle, pointing out that the only valid way to travel to the United States was to legal way; However, in the country this process becomes heavy because there are no mechanisms to facilitate the process.

Only the Directorate of Migration was involved in the controversy, among others, p or a marked shortage of passport books and in the ongoing obstacles to obtaining this document.


Morales also mentioned that one of the axes of his government would be strengthening and strengthening of police forces.

However, discontent in the institution because of the precarious situation that living agents became patented. For the second time this month, police parents and prison guards protested demands for salary improvements, more benefits, and improvements in the workforce. for the police.

Last year, a survey of the University of San Carlos concluded that the National Civil Police suffers from a series of limitations in training, l 39; equipment and supplies that affect its primary mission: protect the lives and integrity of citizens.

Officers who requested anonymity then commented on several of the adversities they face. One of them said that on the salary that he earns, he has to pay uniforms between 300 and 300 shillings every six months, buy ammunition, food, medical help and education.

He adds that there are police stations without water. and should ask his neighbors for oil for personal hygiene. Another disadvantage is poor diet because there are places where the options to buy food are rare or unhealthy.

  Protesters call for improvements for the police. (Photo Prensa Libre: Óscar Rivas)
Protesters demand improvements for the police. (Free Photo Prensa: Óscar Rivas)

Drug Trafficking

In his speech, the President summoned the Secretary of Security of the United States. UU John Kelly, who hailed Guatemala as the best ally in the fight against corruption and drug trafficking which is far from the reality.

Comparing data from US authorities, unlike those from Guatemala, it is revealed that in 2017, not even 1% of the drugs that crosses the country has been seized, which has been proven to be the # 39th time by the head of the International Commission against Impunity.

In fact, the lack of action by the government to stop drug trafficking he caused Trump's annoyance last February, which put aid in Guatemala at risk if he did not do more to restrain him.

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