What you need to know about sleeping pills


El Universal.- Do you have trouble sleeping? Over-the-counter sleeping pills can be a temporary help but, in general, changes in lifestyle are the best approach to chronic insomnia.

Many people have trouble sleeping well. Even by following the usual tips for having a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine, napping during the day, exercising regularly and controlling stress, it can take weeks to get a good night's sleep. Is it time to have an over-the-counter sleep?

To sleep or not to sleep: DNDE IS THE PROBLEM?

According to Dr. Eric Olson, an expert at the Sleep Medicine Center at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, "The inability to sleep can be exhausting and frustrating for a person, in addition to draining all the rest of the day. energy and go with problems such as depression, chronic pain, susceptibility to diseases, high blood pressure and more risk of accidents.Sometimes sleeping pills can be an effective component of the

In general, the inability to manage or maintain sleep is symptomatic of an underlying disease or illness that contributes to poor sleep and which may include chronic pain, cough, heart problems, shortness of breath, digestive problems, acid reflux, thyroid problems and sleep disturbances, such as obstructive sleep apnea or other leg movement disorders, l \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ alcohol and drugs, c As the years Tidepressors, caffeine, decongestants, anti-asthmatics and painkillers, they can also contribute to insomnia. "Therefore, it is important that the patient first undergo a thorough medical evaluation, clarify the specialist.


"When thinking of taking a sleeping pill, it is essential that you and your doctor assess the benefits and risks," says Dr. Olson. "Sleeping well, it's very important. This can cause side effects, such as dizziness or lightheadedness and risk of addiction, and sleeping pills suppress breathing, which can aggravate any breathing problems, such as sleep apnea, and may increase the risk of developing a sleep disorder. infection. 19659002] They can also cause thought problems and body movement. A person may wake up and continue to sleep or have problems with memory and physical performance. These side effects can be annoying, destabilizing or even dangerous. Sleeping can increase the risk of falling and fracturing, as well as causing a head injury, especially at night. have sleepwalking and someone can drive, shop, eat or make phone calls without being fully awake.


This type of over-the-counter medication can be effective for a sporadic night of insomnia. However, there are some reservations to consider.

Most of them contain antihistamines. Tolerance to the sedative effects of antihistamines can occur quickly, so the more you take them, the more likely you are to sleep.

Similarly, interactions with other drugs may occur and much remains to be done. on the safety and effectiveness of sleeping sickness.

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