What's next after the triumph of AMLO?


The comfortable triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador – product of social anger against the political class – gives him ample legitimacy to lead the changes that he has proposed. However, the democratic bond can not be exercised for revenge, frivolities and similar poverty, say collaborators who collaborate in the pages of EL UNIVERSAL.

From now on, they add, the challenge of reconciliation begins and listening to all voices. They believe that the victory of the coalition candidate Juntos Haremos Historia will trigger a shift in the correlation of power group forces, but it remains to be seen whether their victory is a victory for Mexico or just an additional sample of alternating democratic.

Here are your answers:


Alberto Aziz, researcher at CIESAS.

They say that it was already his turn and that the third was defeated, some insist that the country has changed in such a way the necessary context to win, others consider that Mexico has reached a very serious limit in violence, corruption and impunity, that the continuity options have been defeated from the beginning. The truth is that AMLO had a successful strategy and his opponents failed. was the mandate of the polls, now the challenges begin …


Alfonso Zárate, political analyst

López Obrador wins a historic rite victory that gives it an undeniable legitimacy. The result of the polls confirms the extent of social anger with a government that has failed in what matters most to Mexicans and will allow it to lead a break in key aspects: the economic model, the profile of the class leadership and the personal style of


Andrew Selee, Director of the Policy Migration Institute

The Election of Today This marks a shift in the correlation of forces of power groups in Mexico, new actors are coming in, others are coming out and the PRI is finally collapsing, a death several times announced but never accomplished, and a new one. Hegemonic party was born (much like the PRI of the 1930s). can reproduce the centralism of the past or should you create something different and more inclusive. Recognizing and responding to this pluralism, this Mexico with many voices and visions of the future will be the great challenge of the new president.

 frase-kraus.jpg "src =" http://www.eluniversal.com .mx / sites / default / files / u14372 / frase-kraus.jpg "style =" width: 289px; height: 244px; "/> </p>
<p>  <strong> Arnoldo Kraus, Physician and Writer. </strong> </p>
<p>  PRI, PAN, and PRD are responsible for diseases that Mexico suffers. </ P> <p> AMLO has not earned by serendipity, its tenacity and The contagion of the ruling parties has sown the change.The change is essential. </p>
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Carlos Heredia, professor of the CIDE.

Satiety against the PRI and hope for change brought to AMLO in the Presidency.We must not return to the country of a man.The dilemma is not with or against AMLO, but the recovery of the public interest, to build government and citizens an inclusive, prepared and healthy society based on justice, development and peace.


] Catalina Pérez Correa, CIDE Legal Studies Division [1965] 9002] This election opens the opportunity to give an institutional solution to the crisis we are experiencing in Mexico. The new government enters with immense social legitimacy. In security, the huge challenge is to reverse the militarization, impunity and the faccioso use of justice efforts to build effective and autonomous civilian institutions that serve the interests of civil society . to citizenship.


Gabriel Guerra, Political Analyst

If anybody had told us that at 8 pm we would have a clear idea of ​​the winner and that by midnight we would have finished the day, we would not have believed that.
The losers recognized the winner, with integrity, gallantry and elegance. INE did (and did very well) its job. The President of the Republic was what we wanted: a democrat.
And the winner was generous and inclusive in his speech. In this country, I am very proud to be Mexican today.


José Ramón Cossío, Minister of SCJN

The influx and democratic contentment were exemplary on July 1. Celebrations, the most difficult thing will come: repair grievances and quarrels with good politics, find the common cause, and also do the right administration to improve our offensive coexistence. Victory and defeated, they must find the best of themselves to stop the fight. Democracy spoke as we conceived it. The democratic bond can not be exercised for revenge, frivolities and similar poverties. They voted for change. It's with the institutions, the reasons and the freedoms.

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<p>  <strong> Jorge Islas, Academician of UNAM </strong> </p>
<p>  This election was historic and exemplary People voted for change The will of the people decided to give a wide legitimacy to AMLO, which will allow it to promote its government plan to transform the nation.On the other hand, Meade and Anaya have recognized the strength of the results, sign that there is still a political civility and hope to improve our democracy. </p>
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Lourdes Morales, coordinator of the Network for Accountability. ]

As predicted by the most serious investigations, that is to say, those who were given the task of publishing the methodology and the sample, Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be the next president of Mexico For the first time, a candidate identified with the left, he arrives at the presidency, his victory, with a wide margin of 30 points, confers on him an undeniable legitimacy, Andrés Manuel will lead a country wounded by l & # 39; inequality, corruption, insecurity and violence. in the first place, the massive buying of votes, the enormous cost of our young democracy, the shortcomings of our electoral system and the campaigns without proposals, were confronted with a citizenship that demanded, in a peaceful and organized way , a relay in the political class. Secondly, the most violent electoral process was translated into a day with minor incidents, in which the main opponents accepted defeat. Third, nepotism and opacity were punished at the polls. The democratic bond is currently within a sui generis coalition that goes from the far left to the right evangelist. Expectations are high and they are not blind. Start a new opportunity to participate and demand as a society the government we deserve.


Luis Herrera Lasso, consultant on security and foreign policy issues.

After a campaign of denostaciones, hollow promises and violent acts, culminates the electoral process with a nourished and peaceful day, AMLO realizes its desire due to the political failure of the PRI and PAN. It remains to be seen whether his triumph is a victory for Mexico or just an additional sample of democratic alternation. ]  frase_m_gil_anton.jpg [19659002] Manuel Gil Antón, professor at the Center for Sociological Studies of the Colegio de México

When he was As Camus said, the main lesson is that it is more difficult to win than to know how to lose. Stop the pride, give your place to those who, defeated, made the game possible. Recognize that joy for triumph is brief, never ceasing to be deep, and the next match is something else. Winning an election is a challenge: having more votes and more voices means a lot of commitment. Because, good to good, electoral triumph is only the first step, and it is not enough, to exercise the power in another way. There is, among many, a central proposal of the next president of Mexico: to separate the economic power of the politician. Urge


María Elena Morera, President of Causa en Común

We must celebrate an election held with order and freedom, to Andrés Manuel, I recognize its wide triumph, I want to make a good government and I think we should listen to the different voices that are expressed in our country, open the doors of unity and participation, because we will continue to work for security and justice, adding with the authorities, criticizing what we believe to be wrong and proposing solutions.


Miguel Carbonell, researcher of the IIJ-UNAM

Fight the corr the adoption, the attention Economic issues and the fight against impunity are three of the many issues that AMLO must participate in as soon as it sits in the presidential presidency. For them, we must add many others, who will consume the energy and time of the future president and his entire government team. Hope we will not miss them.

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