Whatsapp: who has seen your profile in recent days and how to prevent it from continuing to do so


Do you have a doubt who has seen your WhatsApp profile picture in the last days? In recent days, a new application called WhatsTracker for WhatsApp gives you the floor on social networks, because it allows you to know the answer to this question. We must say that it is exclusive for Android devices and for the moment it is only in English.

To configure this application, just follow the steps I take care of you.


Download application from Google Play. (You can find it in this link.)


Open the application, accept the terms and conditions and give the necessary permissions


Enter a name and a number phone


Go to the section of visits and analysis

Now, how to prevent some unwanted from continuing to see your profile


1.-Choose who sees your profile picture

WhatsApp allows us to choose which contacts can view our profile picture in native mode. An option accessible from the settings of the application, by clicking on the three vertical buttons at the top right of the chat room.


In the settings menu that has just been opened, we can see a new menu in which there are different aspects to adjust to our liking. In this case, we must enter "Account" to customize certain aspects of it.

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Once in the menu account, we must enter the menu "Privacy" where we can select aspects of the private sphere They may be visible to people around us. In this menu, we can choose who sees our profile picture.

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In this new menu, we can see different private aspects of our profile, in which we have to click on the second option of "profile picture" to edit the parameters of this important option of the 39, messaging application.

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Finally, in the profile photo menu, we have three options. The first of them allows to see the picture to all users of WhatsApp. The second option only allows us to do this to those who are our contacts in WhatsApp. Finally, with the third option, no one will be able to see our profile picture on WhatsApp.

  • Spy
  • whatsapp
  • how to prevent them from seeing your whatsapp profile
  • who has seen your profile whatsapp in recent days

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