WhatsApp will give you if you transfer information


CITY OF MEXICO (Expansion) –

Starting this Tuesday, WhatsApp will indicate which messages you receive are forwarded. This additional information will help you to have more control over your individual and group conversations, since you will be able to identify if your friends or family are writing the messages they send you or they pass them on to someone else.

To see the new tag uploaded, you must have the latest compatible version of WhatsApp installed on your phone.

The change could mean a substantial change when receiving chain messages, news of doubtful origin or text. They may seem to be aimed at you and they are not.

"In WhatsApp, we take your security very seriously, so we recommend you think twice before sharing the messages that are being transferred.Be remember that it's very easy to report spam or spam. block a contact, "explains the application in a press release.

Recall that there are two options in the application that can minimize the arrival of annoying messages. blocking the contact or cataloging it as spam.If you opt for the option to block the contact, it can no longer send you message through the application.

However, if one of our contacts is not only boring, but also sends us advertising, religious messages or any other particular subject that seems boring or inappropriate, then we can report it as spam.

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Once q ue the contact is reported as spam, it will automatically be blocked, ie you will not be able to send us messages or call us in the app. But unlike the block, once the user is blocked, WhatsApp can also eject it from the platform, if other users also report this contact as spam.

Hence the importance of reporting spam to the right users and blocking those that bother us in a particular way. And especially act consciously when sharing information because the following blocked ones could be ourselves.

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