Wheat germ prevents heart disease


Wheat germ offers multiple health benefits because of its nutritional value.

In this sense, according to The Power of the Consumer, although the benefits of wheat are known, the best way to eat it is to sprout.

And, wheat germ or wheat germ retains all its parts: endosperm (starch), bran (fiber) and germ that provides vitamins, proteins, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats ).

Another benefit of wheat germ is that it keeps its enzymes that make it more digestible.

The benefits of wheat germ for health
According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), some foods improve health through its antioxidant effect, including wheat germ.

Basically, wheat as a food belonging to the cereals group contains carbohydrates, macronutrients that provide the energy necessary for daily activities.

Although most people consume wheat in the form of refined flour and therefore think it is "bad", it is precisely in the germ that the nutrients are concentrated.

In this respect, the wheat germ provides:

1. Vitamins of complex B

2. vitamin E

3. vitamin K

4. Phosphorus

5. magnesium

In addition, this food also provides healthy proteins and fats.

How to eat wheat germ to improve your health?

The recommendation for all the health benefits of wheat germ is to consume it fresh because it retains all its nutrients and also contains enzymes that make it more digestible.

Wheat germ contains up to 10 times more antioxidants than dry grains.

Finally, the main benefit of eating this food is that its antioxidants protect cells from processes related to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

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