Which vaccines should you have according to your age?


Mexico City – Each year, the application of vaccines helps prevent two to three million deaths, from the World Health Organization, from where the # The importance of complying with the National Immunization Program.

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According to the El Debate news portal, there are more common diseases at different ages that can be more serious in young people and adults. That's why there are vaccines for different stages of life, said the National Vaccination Association through Dr. Romero Rodrigo Feregrino, secretary of the association.

In our country the available vaccines are:

Young people and adults:

  • Vaccine: Tdap (diphtheria tetanus and pertussis)
  • Diseases that prevent: Tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough.
  • Age: From the age of 12 years
  • It should be applied to all pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy.
  • Via: Intramuscular

With complete scheme: apply reinforcement every 10 years.
With incomplete schema: from age 20, apply 2 doses with an interval of 4 weeks, followed by a booster every 10 years.
With undocumented regimen: apply the first dose, the second dose one month later and the third dose 12 months after the first dose, followed by a booster every 10 years.

Vaccine: triple viral (measles, rubella and parotitis)

  • Disease prevention: measles, rubella and parotitis
  • Via: Subcutaneous. 19659007] Dosage: A dose to all young people and adults who n or have the full schedule of two doses or do not know their immunization status.

Vaccine: Varicella

  • Disease Prevention: Varicella
  • Age: From 12 months
  • Via: Subcutaneous
  • Dosage: In young people and adults who do not have had the disease or who have not been vaccinated they must apply two doses with an interval of 4 weeks between doses.

Vaccine: Hepatitis A

  • Disease prevention: Hepatitis A
  • Age: from 12 months
  • Via: Intramuscular or subcutaneous
  • Dose: In young people and adults who did not present no disease or have not been vaccinated, two doses should be applied with an interval of six months between doses.

Vaccine: HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

  • Illness which prevents: Cancer Cervix of the uterus, vagina, vulva, penis anus and genital warts.
  • Age: Women 9 to 45 years old and men 9 to 26 years of age
  • Via: Intramuscular
  • Dosage: Three doses, First application at day zero, second application at two months and third application at six months [19659030] Adults:

    Vaccine: Herpes zoster [19659013] Disease that prevents: Reduces the risk of developing shingles and present complications such as post-herpetic neuralgia.

  • Age: After 50 years
  • Via: Subcutaneous
  • Dosage: Application in one dose.

Vaccine: Pneumococcus

  • Disease that prevents: Severe pneumococcal infection
  • Age: 50 years or older, or any age with risk factors
  • Via: Intramuscular or subcutaneous
  • Dose: Recommended apply one dose of 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine and apply booster at 5 years of age.

Vaccine: Anti-influenza

  • Illness which prevents: Influenza.
  • Age: All ages, with greater significance for 60 years old or people with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases, HIV and others,
  • Via: Intramuscular
  • Dosage: One dose per year.

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