Who are the entrepreneurs who lose with the cancellation of NAIM?


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October 30, 2018


The list is considerable, but they stand out: Carlos Slim, Olegario Vázquez, Quintana Bernardo, Carlos Hank Rhon and David Martínez, who had the largest public works contracts.

According to Grupo Expación's compilation, "NAIM's largest contracts are in the hands of a select group of Mexican businessmen, such as Carlos Slim (Carso Infraestructura), Olegario Vázquez (Prodemex). ), Hipólito Gérard (GIA), Carlos Hank Rhon (Hermes Group) and Héctor Ovalle (Coconal), as well as Bernardo Quintana and David Martínez (both at the ICA) ".

Slim leads the consortium that won two of the biggest contracts in the project, representing about 70 percent of the amount awarded: the terminal and one of the runways. We should add the architectural project of his son-in-law Fernando Romero.

In any case, losing these contracts in favor of Slim does not mean bankruptcy, analysts believe that the results of your business will not be seriously damaged.

This is not the case with the AIT, which could be one of the most affected; Due to doubt issues, the company went bankrupt last year and embarked on an operational and financial restructuring during which it won contracts such as the founding of the airport terminal, in collaboration with Carso Infraestructura, in addition to the foundation slab of the building of the terminal and other works.

Coconal, the firm that chairs Héctor Ovalle, did previous work in the NAIM field, such as cleaning and preparation for construction, and won the contract for the construction of a track. The two contracts total about 10,000 million pesos. According to the information provided by the company to Expansión, its sales reached 8 870 million pesos in 2017.

We must wait to see the agreements with the next government and the damage done to investors in order to quantify the actual losses suffered by each of the entrepreneurs who already have funds in Texcoco.

With information from Grupo Expasión

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