Who is Enrique Alfaro, next governor of Jalisco?


Enrique Alfaro Ramírez participated for the second time as governor of Jalisco; this time he won and did not demand that neither PAN nor PRD join his candidacy. Six years ago, the candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano competed and lost to the current PRI Governor, Aristóteles Sandoval Díaz.

Jalisco, the third state with the largest number of voters had no coalition "Por México al Frente" of the parties that compose it has prepared a candidate for the governor. In the end, Alfaro Ramírez does not need an alliance. When Ricardo Anaya went to the entity, he supported the three candidates.

Alfaro Ramírez, was born in Guadalajara, is a civil engineer from the Jesuit University, Iteso, is 44 years old and, according to media reports, the morning of the 2018 elections, played a football cascarita before d 39, go to the polls to vote

Alfaro is a well-known figure in Jalisco and a leader of the Citizen Movement throughout the entity however, this is not the only party in which he militated because he has history in the PRI and in the PRD. Between the elections of 2012 and 2018, he participated and won by a large majority the mayor of Guadalajara in the local elections of 2015.

Alfaro holds a master's degree in urban studies with a specialization in economics of the 39; urbanization. Recently, a report related to a US-led judicial inquiry, where links to organized crime are indicated. However, after voting, the candidate announced that he would file a lawsuit for moral injury to the portal that disseminated this information.

Enrique Alfaro led opinion polls in the election campaign, but in his administration he was linked to the ambulatory. The capital tapatía its management was questioned by the regularization of vertical housing in exchange for fines to the promoters and was denounced by Morena for irregularities in the use of the public money.

The mayor with a license from Guadalajara did not have friendly relationship with the jaliciense press because he called the newspaper Mural, the newspaper NTR and the newspaper La Crónica " trash "for the criticism of his administration.

The next governor of the tapatía entity stated in his 3de3 that he has an annual income of 2,584,340 pesos. Alfaro is the heir to two houses, a parcel of land and a condominium apartment

The afternoon of the election, Enrique Alfaro, announced on national television that his data him gave more than 15 points of advantage. and better impossible (…) We win and win hard. "


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