Who was singer Jorge Valenzuela?


The name of Jorge Valenzuela resonated this weekend after it was learned that the young Mexican regional music singer died in a car accident in [19659002] Culiacán Sinaloa city where he was from

Last March, he released his new album, which meant a new stage in his musical career, that he 39; he began professionally in 2012.

Jorge Antonio Valenzuela Ramos was born on October 26, 1995 in Culiacán, Sinaloa

From the age of six, he showed a penchant for music and began to study the guitar. At the age of 13 he began studying accordion.

In 2012, when he was only 17 years old, he released his first song "Cómo lo hago" and for 2014 he released his first album, "Nada nos parada", with a theme of Espinoza Paz, called "Bread". On the radio, the song on this album that played the most was "El Agüitado".

In March of this year released its new album, from which they leave singles such as "The vuelta de la vida" and "Sigue soñando".

Valenzuela used to share on his Instagram account images of his concerts, travels and program presentations. In the social network has more than one hundred thousand followers.

In his last publication, he promoted the theme "I would give everything for you."


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