Why are there people who get fat and others who do not eat when they eat the same


By Juliana Mociulsky, Endocrinologist (MN: 95300).

It is known that excess of adipose tissue or body fat is detrimental to health . In addition, the type of distribution in the human body predicts what kind of medical complications might occur.

If the fat is located inside the abdomen, it is referred to as visceral abdominal fat which, when it exceeds certain limits, is associated with an increased risk of diabetes, d hypercholesterolemia, fatty liver and cardiovascular disease. This set of risk factors or diseases is also known as the "metabolic syndrome". But, all the fat is the same?

Recent research has shown that in addition to the "white" fat, which is the best known, there is brown or brown fat and also bold pink .

People with higher levels of brown fat or brown adipose tissue in their bodies have better control of blood sugar, greater sensitivity to insulin and better metabolism burning fat stores. This capacity is related to the high content of intracellular mitochondria which gives this tissue the brown color and is responsible for the treatment of body energy, heat production and basal metabolic expenditure, which is basic consumption

Newborns have more brown fat around the neck and torso because that is how nature helps maintain body heat during the first months of life. Thin people also seem to have a greater proportion of fat that would help maintain body weight . That would partly explain why there are people who gain weight and others who do not take the same weight.

50 grams of white fat have the capacity to store about 300 kilocalories of energy, while the same amount of brown fat could [300 000] burn 300 kilocalories a day .

The interesting thing then would be the power ] to transform the white fat into brown fat or activate it to increase the metabolism and thus control the weight or lower it.In this sense, the Research has shown that during exercise and exposure to low temperatures some hormones are released, including irisin which works by turning white fat into brown fat.

Up to what point bathing with cold water can contribute to this metabolic process is uncertain, but no doubt the exercise collaborates in several ways to control body weight and this seems to be an additional mechanism. The brown fat would partly explain why there are people who gain weight and others not, eating the same thing. "src =" http://cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/28/5b5c9673a0e74_comer.jpg "srcset =" // cdn.tn.com.ar /sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/28/5b5c9673a0e74_comer.jpg 1080w, // cdn.tn.com.ar/sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/07/ 28 / 5b5c9673a0e74_comer.jpg 720w "/>

The brown fat partly explains why there are people who gain weight and others not, eating the same thing.

Pink fat also appears as a good fat for weight control and is found in the breasts of pregnant women.

During pregnancy and lactation, hormonal changes promote the expression of certain substances that induce an increase glandular mammary tissue rich in pink fat cells (known by the color they present in microscopic staining) .These cell types, in turn, produced leptin , a hormone that prevents obesity in the offspring and therefore breastfeeding also plays an important role in this aspect.

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