Why children saved in Thailand were initiated as monks


It is a tradition conceived as a "spiritual cleansing".

Eleven of the twelve children who spent several days in a flooded cave in northern Thailand were introduced as novices in a Thai Buddhist tradition for those who experience adversity. 19659003] The children, aged from 11 to 16 years, will live in the monastery for nine days, the same period that they spent in the cave of Tham Luang, in Chang Rai, until 39. they are discovered by their rescuers. 19659003]

Here are what the children looked like after their hair and eyebrows were shaved

The group, a local football team, the Wild Boars, He entered the temple with his heads shaved and on Tuesday he will begin the ceremony for his ordination.

"They will spend days in a monastery, that is for their own protection," BBC's Seewad Sompoangiai, night grandfather told BBC. saved. [19659003] "It's like they were dead and now they are reborn."

The rescue operation cost the lives of one of the rescuers

Dramatic History ]

The extraordinary story of the group's rescue has caught the attention of the world and millions of people have been following the events since June 23 when the group entered the cave after a football training. trapped by sudden monsoon rains.

The children and their trainer stayed for nine days in the dark and with little food until they were saved on July 2 in a large international operation

. to live as a monk for nine days to honor those who participated in his rescue, "says Nopporn Wong-Anan, editor-in-chief of BBC Thailand.

"And to dedicate these teachings to the diver who died during his rescue. Because these ceremonies are dedicated to the dead. "

Children were blessed by Buddhist monks

" The 11 children will be ordained as novices as his trainer, who is an adult will be ordained as a monk, "he explains.

For the initial ceremony on Tuesday, the children, dressed in white clothes and shaven heads, attended a service in which they prayed and sang. a monk dressed in a saffron robe thanked him for his rescue.

They then lit candles and placed traditional offerings, such as sweets and fruits, in front of the Buddha statues.

The children and their trainer are in Wat Phra That Doi Wai Temple, Chiang Rai District.

A Facebook photo with the football team and his coach [19659003] Good karma

"Children wear co n white dresses when from the preparation ceremony and on Wednesday, they will carry saffron for the ordination ceremony, "says the editor of BBC Thailand

" While you are living as novices at the monastery, you will learn the 10 precepts of the Buddha. they understand things like not lying, forgiving, living in harmony, being thankful, etc. "

" It is a question of acquiring a "good karma" (good action) to transmit to others, mainly to the dead. And in this case it will be for the diver Saman Kunan, who died during the rescue operation, "says Nopporn Wong-Anan

Traditionally, many Thai men are ordained as Buddhist monks to their majority

. It is a practice to bless and honor Thai Buddhist families.

Ekkapol "Ake" Chantawong, 25, coach of the boar team, who had previously been ordained a novice, will remain in the temple for the same period as the children but now he will be ordained monk.

"For this he must learn the 227 precepts of the Buddha, which are the teachings of the monks," says the editor of BBC Thailand. 19659003] Although Ake drew some criticism for bringing the children to the cave, he was also commended for helping them endure the experience.

It was said that the coach taught them meditation techniques to help them calm down and use as little air as possible.

The twelfth child, 14-year-old Adul Sam-on, did not enter the monastery with the group because he is a Christian.

Divers were considered authentic heroes after the successful rescue

It was said that the families of the children promised to order wild boars as a way to thank the efforts of their rescue and honor Saman Kunan

After the ordination ceremony, the children will stay in different monasteries to meditate, pray and clean up the temples until they reach the temple. at the end of the nine days.

When they were rescued, the group was rushed to Chiang Rai Hospital where they received medical and psychological care.

Last week, they were released and reported to be in good health.

The Thai government has banned the media from talking to them. the children for 30 days

The cave system where they were trapped was closed, but some officials said that it could be reopened in the future as a tourist attraction.

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