Why is Trump afraid to breastfeed?


The attempt of US delegates to the World Health Organization to sink or get rid of a resolution that seeks to promote breastfeeding in underdeveloped countries accounted for so many things : it was a stalking stance, unscientific, pro-industry, against public health and myopia, to name a few aspects.

But that was not surprising. In fact, it is only one of the most recent examples of the Donald Trump government seal that torments the weaker countries by putting aside public health concerns to serve the interests of powerful corporations. The dairy industry has a value of 70 billion dollars and, because breastfeeding has become popular in more developed countries, has set its growth expectations in developing countries.

Like The New According to the York Times, the resolution only stated that breast milk is the healthiest alternative for children and that steps should be taken to minimize the imprecise promotion of their substitutes.

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] Trump's statement on Twitter on Monday – in which he said that women needed to have access to formula milk to cause of malnutrition – calls into question science and common sense: evidence that breast milk is the most nutritious alternative breast milk for babies, by far. Among its advantages, it has the potential to prevent diarrheal diseases and respiratory infections, which prevail in low-income countries.

The lack of ethics in commercial practices used by formula producers is an old and well established problem. established that it has contributed to the decline in breastfeeding in low-income countries. In 2015, less than 40% of babies under 6 months of age were breastfed in developing countries. Doubling this ratio could save hundreds of thousands of lives.

It is true that for some families the formula of milk may be fundamental, but it is also less nutritious than breastmilk in all respects. Among other things, it does not contain the antibodies that breast milk has. In developing countries, these deficiencies can have a devastating impact on children's health.

Ecuador was ready to introduce this measure when the United States threatened "punitive trade measures" and the withdrawal of crucial military assistance unless

ultimately, the Common sense triumphed in this round of harassment and the resolution was passed without major changes, oddly enough, thanks to Russia. But US officials use these same tactics in similar situations; so that the concern that they can succeed on these fronts persists.

In March, US trade officials threatened to withdraw their support for the Colombian peace agreement and the rise of Colombia within the Organization for Cooperation and Development . Economique (OECD), unless Colombian health authorities withdrew in various efforts to reduce prescription drug prices. The measures envisaged by Colombia have been authorized by the International Labor Organization, but the pharmaceutical companies have put pressure on countries not to apply them, with the help of trade representatives American.

this would also thwart other efforts to expand access to new and essential medicines for tuberculosis control. According to the World Health Organization, there are still epidemic levels in several low- and middle-income countries and the death of 1.7 million people in 2016.

It is tempting to call this approach "trumpian". public health only because it has all its characteristics: a reverential attitude towards rich and powerful businesses, disregarding the needs of the poor or sick and not paying attention to the long-term consequences. However, even though they have not completely succeeded with the formula for babies, other US governments are as responsible as the current governments with regard to drugs.

The Obama and Clinton administrations have also tried to keep drug prices high. in low-income countries; Obama's, by preventing the generic market in India and in other countries, while that of Clinton supported policies that kept the price of anti-HIV drugs much higher than necessary.

In the case of HIV, the constancy of global protests has succeeded in changing public opinion and the course of the history of medicine. The United States worked on exceptions for anti-HIV drugs and allowed the emergence of a generic drug market that dramatically reduced the epidemic.

If the American authorities had managed to breastfeed, the result would be easy to predict: people would suffer; business income, no

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