Why should we eat food with potassium?


L & # 39; UNIVERSAL. Potassium is a basic mineral for our body because it has great health contributions that you may not know. However, here we tell you what it is for and some of the richest foods in this nutrient. And no, banana is not the only resource available. If you are an athlete, you are probably worried about having an adequate level of potassium or consuming the recommended daily amount as this mineral is primarily used for proper neuromuscular function as it helps to enrich the system's transmission speed. nervous. This influences the processes of contraction and relaxation of the muscles, either voluntarily (legs during exercise) or involuntary (movements of the heart).

Potassium is good for cardiovascular health by preventing problems of hypertension. Another advantage is that the consumption of this mineral reduces the feeling of fatigue or muscle weakness.

A study conducted in Baltimore in 2010 showed that potassium helps to metabolize glucose, which implies the prevention of diseases such as diabetes. In addition, it is linked to the modification of glucose to glycogen, a polysaccharide that is characterized as a reserve of energy that is stored in the liver and some muscles.

Another of his contributions is to reduce the occurrence of osteoporosis because it preserves the bone material in a healthy state by being part of the mineral structure of the bones.

This mineral is an auxiliary in the recovery and creation of muscles during intense physical activity. In this, also intervenes the fact that it is good for the growth of cells and allows the good circulation of amino acids.

And if all that is not enough, it has also been found to work as an electrolyte that helps balance the fluids in and out of the cells; it is therefore essential for good hydration with sodium and chlorine.



The recommended daily intake of potassium for over 14 years is between 3 thousand 500 and 4 thousand 700 milligrams according to the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine. In the case of lactating women is 5 thousand 100 mg and pregnant women should consume about 4000 mg

BANANA, RAISINS AND FIGHTE: They have more than 200 mg of potassium per 100 grams, ideally is to eat them as a snack before any physical activity or with other foods such as salad.

POTATOES: We can easily find them in various dishes, cooked, in broth, fried, mashed or even mincemeat. 100 grams have about 420 mg of potassium.

ALGAE: They are not common in Western dishes, but they are the richest food in potassium. 100 gr have more than one thousand mg. For you to know what to accompany them, they are usually prepared in soups, with rice and sushi.

DRIED FRUITS: Prunes, apricots and peaches contain between 700 and 1000 mg of potassium in 100 gr. There is no need to use them for a recipe, they can be a very nutritious snack (the size of a fist is enough), but if you do not like it, you will find them in cereal bars and, for example, apple salad SEEDS: Almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, nuts and all foods of this group can contribute up to 400 mg of potassium per 100 mg. Make sure to eat them without added ingredients such as sugar, salt or chilli.

GREEN FOOD: Spinach, watercress, lettuce, cabbage, chard and everything you can imagine contains more than 400 mg of potassium per 100 grams. So a salad or soup with two of these ingredients is more than enough.

Not to be overtaken

One of the recommendations is not to exceed the consumption of this mineral because it can lead to kidney problems, muscle weakness and arrhythmias. Therefore, it is important to perform physical activities that allow the wear of potassium that we ingest in our food.

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