Why was Kendall Jenner the subject of conversation during the Mexican elections? | who


A fashion magazine has published on its social networks an image of the model to invite Mexicans to boxes, which has aroused strong criticism like that of Alfonso Cuarón.

An image of the model and socialite Kendall Jenner wearing a blouse with the caption "Vote" was used by the Mexican version of the magazine Vogue to invite the Mexican society to exercise the vote on the day of this July 1, a situation that has not been well received by users of social networks, including the Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón.

"What shame @VogueMexico I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but no matter how much I try, I can not find how" is the message that the director of cassettes like and your mother and Gravity have posted on Twitter.

Oscar explained his outrage recalling the controversy that led the model in 2017 for an advertisement for a soft drink brand, in which Jenner appears in a protest that attempted to imitate those that the African-American community The result was so criticized by network users that it was removed just a day after its launch.

After the controversy that generated the publication of the fashion magazine, the tweet was removed from the network [19659008] Recommendations

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