Widower of Hiromi, do you think of suicide? (VIDEO)


July 27, 2018

Almost a year ago, Hiromi passed away when her daughter was delivered.

PHOTO: Instagram @marlahiromi

Gloria Aura, friend of Hiromi's widower, dismissed the alleged suicide attempts of the singer, after the death of the former academician and his daughter the year last.

Recall that a few days ago The media revealed that Fernando Santana, the widower of Hiromi, had published his desire to die on social networks and even a friend of the singer revealed that he was deeply depressed by the death of the singer.

"He is in a terrible depression, dismissed from all and the truth is that we are very concerned," explained the friend interviewed by TvNotas.

However, in the broadcast yesterday of "Ventaneando" , Gloria Aura, close friend of Santana, dismissed any possibility of the idea of ​​a possible suicide, because he is mourning the loss.

"They are certain things and not true what the magazine says, the day after reading that I've found Iron in the first or a job, that is, he leaves his house, s & rsquo; He has a life, "Aura told the entertainment program.

But he also confirmed that Fernando has a deep sadness for the death of Hiromi and her daughter.

"Do you have a very great sadness? Yes, and he manifests them in his social networks, it's normal," says Gloria.

In the same way, the friend of Santana who would like the widower to be in the hands of an expert, why is not an easy time.

You can see the note of the minute 50.

Published by Sale on July 26, 2018

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