Wikipedia closes in the last 36 hours



W ikipedia in Spanish has closed its doors to Internet users in the last 36 hours to protest against the copyright law (Copyright in the Digital Single Market) promoted by German MEP Axel Voss, member of the European People's Party to prevent this free-to-access digital encyclopedia from citing content from commercial sources or sources. [19659003] That's what he said to Excelsior Carmen Alcázar, president of Wikimedia Mexico – which gives life to the Spanish Wikipedia – then this fate of the virtual walk led to the temporary closure or blockade of Wikipedia's total content in Spanish, causing more than a million and a half requests, only in Mexico, could not be done in the last hours .

As you know, Wikipedia is a secondary source of information that has no original content, but comes from other sources, the same we use in any survey, such as newspapers , magazines, radio, television, the Internet and specialized magazines, using the law of university appointment. However, 90% of these sources come from commercial sources ", which could delete many references and complete the articles of this platform, recognized Carmen Alcázar.

For this reason, Wikipedia remained in sign of protest to defend an open network and make visible the reform of the law that takes place in the European Parliament which will be voted today at noon in Europe.

If this law is adopted, he explained, the values, culture and ecosystem on which Wikipedia relies will be weakened. "We therefore ask all members of Parliament to vote against the current version of the proposal and to allow a democratic debate with the citizens. "

The protest has been joined by Wikipedias in Italian and Polish, while Wikimedia in English and French are still deliberating on the measures they will take." they deferred their approval; otherwise, we will have to replace the time we spend creating articles to request legal action. "

Fortunately, we are not a small project or a club of friends, but a foundation that supports us."

singer Paul McCartney urged Parliament to support the new European Copyright Regulation.

Photo: Zuma



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