Wikipedia suspends services around the world


July 4, 2018

The encyclopedia will not be available for 36 hours to protest a reform that could affect the open Internet

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For 36 hours to cancel its services the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, in protest against a Possible Reform of Copyright in the European Parliament.

According to a statement published by Wikipedia, this reform will attempt to fight freedom online and will also impose new filters, barriers and restrictions that affect the encyclopedia and the Internet as we know it.

"For these reasons, the Wikipedia community in Spanish decided to darken all pages of the encyclopedia before and during the vote of the text, that is to say until the end of the year. at 10 am (UTC) on the 5th of July. "

He also asked members of the European Parliament to vote against and open the current text "to discuss and consider the many proposals of the Wikimedia movement to protect access to knowledge, including l the elimination of Articles 11 and 13, the extension of panorama freedom to the whole of the EU and the preservation of the public domain, "he explains.

The text adds that the Spanish-speaking community of Wikipedia, like Colombia and Mexico, has recently opposed similar proposals.

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