Will Trump post Cristiano Ronaldo as president?


The American president, Donald Trump joked today with the idea that the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo could appear and lose a presidential election against the Portuguese president , Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who replied that Portugal "is not like United States ".

What began as a relaxed conversation between Trump and Rebelo de Sousa visiting Washington on the World Cup ended with a sample clear of the contrast between the political culture of the United States and that of Portugal

At its first bilateral meeting with Trump Rebelo de Sousa asks him to do so. he comments World at his next bilateral meeting with the president of the host country of the competition, the rus or Vladimir Putin, do not forget " Portugal is still there and wants to win the championship. "

"Do not forget that Portugal has the best player in the world, which is The Flame Cristiano Ronaldo ", states Rebelo de Sousa at the beginning of the meeting at the White House.

Trump assured his son shortly before – probably the youngest, Barron- "he loves football, and he likes to see the World Cup "

The Portuguese head of state took the opportunity to assert that Trump's son "knows everything" about Ronaldo and Trump responded that c & rsquo; # 39; is the case

The US President acknowledged that Portugal "is doing very well" in the world and asked his counterpart "how good" is the Madrid striker, and s & # 39, he was "impressed" by him.

When Rebelo de Sousa replied that Ronaldo is "the best player in the world", Trump noted: "So, will Cristiano ever appear in the Presidency? (in competition) against you? " 19659002] While the Portuguese leader was preparing to answer, Trump added: "( Cristiano ) I would not win, you do not know."

Rebelo de Sousa sat a little in his chair, played the right arm of Trump and replied: "Mr. President, you know, I have to tell him something Portugal is not exactly (as ) United States. It's a little different. "

Trump acknowledged that" this is true ", and began to answer questions from reporters.

The US President also said about World that Russia ] "does a fantastic job" as a host.

"It's exciting even if you're not a football fan.I'm a little football fan, but I do not have a lot of time," Trump who stated that he had no favorite team and wished that "everyone copes well."

Trump and Rebelo de Sousa were to speak about the Trade, Immigration and the NATO Summit to be held in Brussels in July during their meeting, which marked the first visit to the White House of a Portuguese President since 2011. [19659016] [ad_2]
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