Win trans Miss Spain | Shows


Mexico City- She is blonde, tall and tall, so much so that a jury chose her last night as New Miss Spain.

Here is Ángela Ponce, 26, who makes history by being elected the first transsexual winner of the contest.

Originally from Cádiz, Ángela is a professional model who has already been parade for Madrid Fashion Week

"Bringing the name and colors of Spain to the universe is my grand My goal to be the spokesperson for a message of inclusion, respect and diversity not only for the LGBTQ collective but for the whole world, "she said after being crowned.

Angela had previously won the title of Miss Cádiz in 2015.

The girl, who measures 1.77 and weighs 58 kilos, won from the start as one of the strong favorites to win the competition, which has took place in Tarragona

"My life was difficult, that from the first moment I was born, I knew that I was a woman, nothing else that I did something who did not belong to me, something that I did not want in my body and as there are girls who work their bust or the because I have the right to be in this contest. commented the critics.

There was no transgender candidate in Miss Universe. The closest thing came in 2013 when Jenna Talackova competed to represent Miss Canada, but did not achieve her goal. However, she was a promoter to change the law that did not admit transsexuals into the contest.

"I was the first trans to win a beauty pageant, but I was also the first trans to parade in Mercedes Fashion Week But we have to keep going because there's still Very conservative people in the world of fashion.

"The people who chose me in the castings, but once they found out that I was transgender, they m <39; have thrown out. To be the first in something means to achieve many successes but also many doors slamming, "added the new Miss Spain, who is ready to prepare for the crown Miss Universe

In the past, the representative of the Spain in the 2013 world competition, the Canarian model Patricia Yurena, and first finalist in Miss Universe, became the first to declare herself a lesbian publicly.

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