With a weapon in hand, the student threatens the teacher to remove him from the list of absences


A French student threatened a teacher with a fake gun to enroll him in a class that he had not followed.

In a printout printed by other students, you see the moment when the student, age 16, points a gun at the teacher while asking him to remove him from the list of class absences, even though he was late.

The events took place last Thursday in an institute in Creteil, near Paris, who complained the next day, alleging that the teacher was unaware that it was a false weapon.

Despite this, the teacher does not adhere to the will of the student, although some of her colleagues told the local media that she was affected by the fact.

The police have already opened an investigation into these events. The young man and another student, also aged 16, who provided him with the weapon and who appears briefly in the recording with his face hidden by making offensive gestures, were immediately arrested for the relevant investigations.

The second was interrogated and released, while the other will be presented in the coming hours to a juvenile judge.

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