With delays and suspensions, verification is reactivated in CMDX


Upon reinstatement of the Vehicle Check Program two auditors were suspended due to irregularities. On the other hand, a system failure caused a delay of two hours. Despite this, when the service was restored, a thousand 466 automobiles attended by appointment to check the conditions of their vehicle.

With regard to the system failure during the first two hours, it is reported that this was due to the loss of a data record during the transfer of information from the central server of Secretariat of the Environment (Sedema) to each of the servers of the verification centers, a situation that has already been resolved.

Similarly, the Sedema Directorate-General for Environmental Monitoring temporarily suspended the inspection centers of vehicles AZ20, AZ49 and BJ21, located in the delegations Azcapotzalco and Benito Juárez respectively

The Sedema reported that this first day of operation of the new Vehicle Inspection Centers (CVV), 244 cars obtained a DOUBLE ZERO, 935 ZERO, 110 ONE and only two with DOS hologram.

However, it was reported that 175, nearly a third of those presented, were rejected because they did not meet the required emission parameters of gaseous pollutants.

It has been explained that the hologram is obtained exclusively with the pollutant gas test (which measures the concentration of these) and the on-board diagnostic system (OBD II).
With regard to the physical and mechanical tests, he exposed the Sedema which are random and do not constitute a reason for rejection or failure to approve the verification.

Appointment is required to perform the vehicle check, which can be done by calling LOCATEL (5658-1111), Citizen Attention module of the Quality Management Branch of the Department. Air, at Tlaxcoaque 8, Centro Historico, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 1:30 pm directly in the Vehicle Check Centers and on the Verificitas page, at the following link: http: //verificentros.sedema. cdmx.gob.mx.

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