With the rains, the threat of dengue fever is once again accentuated


Torreón, Coahuila.- After the start of the rainy season, the risk of dengue virus infection has further increased because it is a factor that directly affects the proliferation of insects that transmit this dengue. disease, for which the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Coahuila again disclose the preventive measures that in favor of their health should be addressed.

It is known that the attack of an insect that has already bitten a sick person, can transmit the disease that causes fever, severe headaches, bones, eyes, nausea and vomiting. vomiting, among other symptoms.

In this regard, the epidemiologist of the IMSS, Ciro Francisco Serrano Sobal, reveals that two types of this disease, the most common, is colloquially known as "trancazo" or "lammeraterres fever"; the second is haemorrhagic.

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Among the other symptoms, which appear after a period of four to seven days after receiving the stake, there is rash, itching. , lack of appetite and abdominal pain. In severe cases, bleeding, fever attacks and severe dehydration are added

On the other hand, he explains that the preventive actions are aimed at avoiding the proliferation of the mosquito and for this it is necessary to remove all containers where it is possible to accumulate. rain water, eliminate garbage daily, constantly wash containers such as water tanks and cisterns, use larvicides to eliminate young mosquitoes; In general, keep the house and surroundings in optimal hygienic conditions.

Wear clothes that cover most of the body, are not exposed to stings, use a repellent, install mosquito nets on doors and windows.

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