Without challenges, could advance the validity of the triumph of AMLO: TEPJF


The Electoral Court of the Judiciary of the Federation (TEPJF) declared itself ready to resolve "without filias or phobias" the appeals filed during the presidential election.

The president of the tribunal, Janine Otálora Malassis pointed out that the 6 September is the deadline for the delivery of the certificate of validity to the winner of the presidential elections. However, in the case where there are no challenges to the calculations, the procedure could be advanced.

"Tomorrow (Tuesday) the deadline to challenge the votes of the presidential election is over.If there is a challenge to the calculations, we will have to check the boxes that are disputed, if necessary recount.
If there are no challenges for the calculations, then we can see, indeed, the possibility of anticipating the delivery, the validity of the delivery of the election first and the delivery of the majority file, everything will depend, "he said.

Interviewed after leading the ceremony "Legal security towards the validation phase of the elections of 2018", he specified that the integration of a special commission at the TEPJF at this stage does not place only when a political actor asks for the nullity of the election, so you should also wait to see if any one requests it.

He indicated that, in the event that the nullity of the presidential elections would not be requested, the Plenary of the Superior Court will decide and rule on the validity of the election.

Otálora Malassis noted that TEPJF has doubled its staff to deal with this stage of the process, so that it can be resolved briefly, because in addition to the presidential elections will also be aware of the elections of deputies and deputies. Senators, who will first reach Regional Chambers .

However, the president stressed that the work of the INE, the citizen participation and the attitude of the political actors will contribute to lowering the level of judicialization of the elections, for which it has declared itself confident of no longer receiving the 50 thousand resources that were planned.

"With this, one may think that this will seriously lower the level of judicialization of this election in an exceptional way, and to what extent, it is evidence of a great maturity of all, "he said.

During the event, he assured that the national judicial system is united and ready to guarantee legal certainty in the validation phase of federal and local elections.

He emphasized that, in the beginning phase, the TEPJF will guarantee the political and electoral rights of citizens, including their right to vote, protecting their freedom and the meaning of their votes.

"We will be independent and neutral, we will be highly professional and we will act at all times in accordance with the law, we have no affiliation or phobia with regard to any actor or political party, our duty is to guide us exclusively by what is established in the law, the concrete cases, "he remarked.

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