"Without sin yes there is paradise" of mourning for the death of the actor Luis Fernando Montoya | Trade | TV | Television


Luis Fernando Montoya actor who was part of the cast of " Sin senos if hay paraíso ", died at the age of 61 years in Bogotá, a victim of death. a cancer that had affected him for several months

The Colombian played the role of Medicine in the production of Caracol with Carmen Villalobos, Catherine Siachoque, Majida Issa, Fabian Rios and Carolina Gaitan.

Gaitán was one of the first to lament the loss of Luis Fernando Montoya. , Which gives life to Catalina's "small" in " Without sin there is paradise "

"Luis Fer Montoya, it was beautiful to meet you, unique and fantastic character, almost a myth, all of you." Surrealist conversations to your sides, I will always remember you, RIP, "he wrote in Instagarm

Born in Pereira, Risaralda, on November 26, 1956, he dreamed of being an actor when he was a child. This is why he left his hometown at a very young age, to seek in Bogota the opportunity to show his love for this art.

His first TV role was in the soap opera "But I'm still king ", in 1984, after completing his studies at the Teatro Popular in Bogotá, where he participated in works by William Shakespeare and Arthur Miller, showing his high quality and his love and dedication to work.

In the last days , the actor was with his two daughters, Manuela and Rossana, of his two wedding s, with María Estela Fernández and Shaio Muñoz, respectively. The latter said that shortly before his death, Montoya was grateful to be surrounded by "so much love".

Luis Fernando Montoya also made films, participating in films such as "La strata del caracol", "Buscando a Miguel" "And" It stinks. "

For the actor, with 34 years of experience, it was important to be considered one of the most attractive of television, but he always knew how to represent characters demanding and strong that would allow him to show many facets He even liked comedy characters, a genre he considered a "spiritual song", as he said in an interview

(Source: El Comercio / El Tiempo de Colombia, GDA)

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