Woman manages to have a child with the uterus of her twin


Yesterday, a baby was born in Italy that was conceived through a uterine transplant, the first performed between two twin sisters. Caesarean delivery was held at the Santa Orsola Hospital in Bologna, Italy, according to the medical center.

The delivery took place by caesarean section and the mother and the baby are in perfect health, according to a statement from Eugin. , a company with several internationally assisted procreation centers, including the Stockhol FIV clinic

The director of the clinic, the Swedish gynecologist Mats Brännström, was in charge of running the clinic. team of specialists who intervened in this case, for which it was necessary to do, in addition to the transplantation of the uterus, a procedure of fertilization.

The operation had as protagonists two twins of Serbian origin living in Italy and one of them, the recipient of the fabric. , was born without a uterus because of a congenital malformation that did not appear in her sister.

The transplant was performed in March 2017 at the Children & # 39; s University Hospital, Belgrade, in Serbian. ia.

Shortly after this intervention, the recipient successfully underwent in vitro fertilization treatment. During pregnancy, the woman, whose name was not given for reasons of intimacy, was treated by Dr. Luca Gianaroli in Bologna, Italy


have done several uterine transplants and in 2014 the first baby was born on a worldwide scale through this type of procedure, also in charge of Brännström, the case of twins is a pioneering operation because it is the first to be performed without According to the statement of the clinic, immunosuppressive management is due to the perfect genetic compatibility between the donor and the recipient.

In addition, Dr. Brännström was responsible for the first successful uterine transplant in the world. operation that took place in Sweden in 2014, and since then "successfully completed eight more," said the Italian hospital.

Uterine transplantation opens new horizons because it is considered a source or a source of hope for women who can not have children because they are born without uterus or had to be removed because of cancer, other diseases or postpartum complications.

In total, 40 attempts at uterine transplantation were made on a global scale. which allowed 11 of the recipients to become pregnant and to mature.

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