Women are linked to the process of human trafficking


Mexico.- The Social Representative of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (Fgjem) accredited the probable participation of María de los Ángeles "N" in the crime of human trafficking, modality of begging others, illegal for which the judicial authority based in Tlalnepantla decided to link it to the process.

Maria de los Ángeles "N", is accused of this crime in aggravation of a minor of nine years, who is his daughter, and who supposedly obliged to apply for it. alms in the streets of the municipality of Atizapán de Zaragoza, informs the portal López Dóriga

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Investigations carried out established that in January 2017, the minor arrived from Tamaulipas to settle with his mother in the municipality of Atizapán de Zaragoza, but this woman, apparently , hit and forced to ask for money in the street so months later the victim

Once this institution got to know the facts, the departmental officer The public initiated the corresponding investigation file, and the investigating officers were responsible for carrying it out. tion of various indagatori.

The woman was arrested in October of last year for being linked to the crime of human trafficking grievance of one of her 13-year-old daughters. 19659002] This woman forces the teenager to have sex with men in exchange for money because she was admitted to Tlalnepantla prison, where she was related to the process.

In addition to this, the social representative asked a judge to issue a warrant against María de los Ángeles "N" for the crime of human trafficking in the form of begging, which was granted and completed in isolation by the staff of that institution.

Then a judge linked him to the process of this crime, with a period of three months to close the investigation, but she must be considered innocent until a conviction against her.

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