Women chanted slogans against immigration policy


WASHINGTON.- Capitol police arrested nearly 600 people on Thursday during a demonstration in a Senate building to which hundreds of women came to protest against the treatment of families migrant women by the government of President Donald Trump.

According to vanguardia.com, among the protesters was a Democratic legislator from the state of Washington who posted a video on his Twitter account.

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Other groups have also demonstrated in various US cities against the policy of Trump government immigration to separate migrant families, which could be a glimpse of what could happen Saturday, when it is expected that protests will take place across the country.

After seeing images of Iarias' anguished migrant children who were separated from their parents and were incarcerated in fenced enclosures, the women were sitting on the terrace of the Hart Building Senate. Around the metal sculpture of Alexander Calder's "Mountain and Clouds", women shouted slogans and applauded lawmakers who greeted the crowd.

"What do we want? Free families!" And "This is what democracy looks like" were some of the expressions they used.

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The demonstration, which lasted more than two hours, was organized by two liberal groups: the Women's March and the Center for Popular Democracy

In a statement, the Capitol Police informed that about 575 people were accused of having organized an illegal protest in an office building.

Police indicated that detainees would be released after being treated

Representative Pramila Jayapal said who was arrested during the protest Jayapal, born in India, tweeted a video where she said she was proud to be detained for protesting against the "zero tolerance" policy of the Trump government.

" We are here to fight so that our families can be free and to be able to reunite children with their parents, not in cages, not in jail, but they can live their lives safely and securely, "he said.

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