Women who get up early are less likely to have cancer


Women who get up early are less likely to get cancer / Courtesy: iStock© salud180.com
Women who get up early are less likely to have cancer

Well said the saying "God help whoever gets up early." And it's really something very true because it helps not only your daily activities, but also your health. The women who get up early are less likely to have cancer.

A study published by the University of Bristol, United Kingdom, women who get up early, is 40% less likely to suffer breast cancer.

We analyzed data from about 40,000 women in the International Breast Cancer Database. It has been deduced that 20% of people who sleep late are more likely to develop cancer.

The women were asked about the time they got up and agreed that those who woke up earlier are healthier.

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In addition, previous research has shown that night shifts affect people's health because it was called "inverting the schedule".

Beyond the time we get up, it's important to emphasize the importance of pause because in addition to improving the performance of your activities, it will also improve your health.

Therefore, when we talk about getting up early, we are not necessarily talking about less hours of rest, but simply getting up early, but also sleeping at a good time.

What is recommended is to sleep eight hours a day.

Other benefits of to wake up early and sleep the recommended eight hours are:

  • Regulates the blood pressure
  • Improve memory
  • Helps lose weight
  • Improves the ambience
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Protects heart disease

As you had chance to see to wake up early and sleep the recommended time has more benefits than we think and if we add to that the risk of developing cancer increases early, it's time to reset the sleep schedule, You do not think?

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