Working more than 45 hours a week could cause diabetes


Extended hours can be a danger to your health. Without a doubt, the social and economic context in which we live forces us to work more and more, but it is important to take stock and prioritize our health.

A new study ensures that working more than 45 hours a week an increased risk of diabetes in women. The results of the research were published in the journal "BMJ Diabetes Research & Care".

Researchers have not found such a risk in women who work 30 to 40 hours a week, which has led them to believe that this limitation may help reduce the risk of the disease.

According to statistics, approximately 439 million adults will be living with diabetes by 2030, an increase of 50% over 2010.

65 Canadian workers aged 35 to 74, over a 12-year period (2003 to 2015), using data from national health surveys and medical records. Hours of work were taken into account, as well as potentially influential factors, such as age; sex status; paternity ethnicity; place of birth and residence; any long-term health condition; lifestyle; Given the rapid and substantial increase in the prevalence of diabetes in Canada and around the world, it is very important to identify modifiable risk factors such as long working hours to improve prevention and to guide the development of diabetes. policy formulation. because it could prevent many cases of diabetes and chronic diseases related to diabetes, "conclude the researchers.

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