World 2018: Kylian Mbappé, victim of racism by YouTuber


The Brazilian YouTuber Júlio Cocielo published a message that cost him Coca-Cola, Banco Itaú and Submarino to withdraw his sponsorships.

Sao Paulo, Brazil –

The YouTuber Brazilian Júlio Cocielo published a racist racist tweet against the front Kylian Mbappé who told him cost brands like Itaú-Unibanco, Coca-Cola and Submarino to withdraw its sponsorships.

Cocielo stated in his Twitter account that "Mbappé would manage to make flights worthy of" arrastao " which is how Brazil is known for massive flights in open spaces, such as that beaches, roads or public roads.

After the negative impact of the case, the bank Itaú the largest private financial institution in the country, claimed that " the youtuber is no longer part of any "communication room" of the company.

Submarino one of the country's leading e-commerce companies, also removed from the US. airs an advertising campaign that counted On his side, Coca-Cola who worked with this famous YouTube character in 2016, said that "the manifestations of prejudice will not be tolerated" and that it is n & rsquo; "No plans" for future associations. "

Cocielo made the commentary during the match for the Eighth Final between France and Argentina .

"Repent and Learn! Lesson for Life! It will never be repeated!" Júlio Cocielo explained in a message.

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