World Head and Neck Cancer Day: care and control: your doctor


In order to attract worldwide attention to the effective management and control of head and neck cancer International Federation of Oncology Societies Cuello, said that July 27 will be commemorated World Cancer Day of the head and neck .

It is important to note that cancer of the head and neck in Mexico represents the ] 17.6% tumors and unfortunately the diagnosis is made in advanced stages with a prognosis of survival and very little functional .

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Cancer of Head and Neck Two Times More Likely in Men

Cancer of Head and Neck, is a disease that originated from squamous cells ] that cover the superficial it is moist and mucous inside the head and neck. It usually occurs in the mouth larynx, pharynx to a lesser extent in the nose and salivary glands.

According to the National Cancer Institute the main causes of head and neck cancer are:

1. Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco

2. Consumption of salted or preserved food

3 Lack of oral hygiene

4 Exposure to wood dust and / or industrial products such asbestos and fibers Synthetic

5 Exposure to radiation

Among 60% of people come with a specialist to be diagnosed with this cancer when they already have the advanced disease ; however, if diagnosed at an early stage, it has a survival and cure rate of of 80 and 90% .

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Symptoms and treatment

The symptoms of cancer of the head and neck are a mass or a wound that is not healthy, an irritation of the throat a difficulty to pass or a change of voice. More specifically:

* In the oral cavity the gum, tongue or mucous membrane of the mouth is red;

* In the pharynx there are difficulties in breathing or speaking, swallowing pains, neck pain, headaches, ringing in the ears and difficulty breathing.

* In the larynx swallowing and ear pain occur.

Regarding the treatment, it depends on the patient and factors such as tumor, length of stay cancer, age and general health; but general treatment may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

It is important to note that the squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck is an overall incidence with more than 500 000 cases and 200 000 thousands of deaths per year and at the level Latin America is among the top 5 places of incidence and is the 7th most common cancer.

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