World Heritage Site declared Valle Tehuacán-Cuicatlán



The Unesco declared the Valley of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán a World Heritage Site, located in Oaxaca and Puebla, at its meeting in Bahrain.

Susana Franco, Counselor in charge of Cultural Affairs of the Mexican Delegation to Unesco and Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, welcomed the inclusion

"We are all very happy and proud of Mexico, "he said. which covers 145 255 hectares protects both a cultural and natural heritage.

This is unique species habitat among them the large cactus forests and endangered wildlife species such as the Golden Eagle

"Protects about 141 species of Birds, among which highlights hummingbirds, considered important pollinators for some cactus, and protects 10% of the 30 thousand species of vascular plants described for Mexico ", said the Ministry of the Environment (Semarnat).

In addition, the remains of the valley date back to the origin of agriculture and the passage of the hunter-gatherers societies to sedentary Neolithic societies, including rock paintings, cemeteries, mounds, buildings and citadels.

The Valley of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán is the second Mexican site that becomes a mixed heritage of Humanity According to the Ancient Mayan City and Protected Tropical Forests of Calakmul, in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula, which entered this list in 2016.

This area has been under protection since 1998 and in 2012 it has been declared a biosphere reserve.



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