World Series: Boston Leads To Los Angeles 2-2 (Third Round)


We are already in the Fall Classic. The October appointment began tonight with more than a century of competition in Major League Baseball, a coveted crown that all players aspire to, but that few conquer.

The Boston Red Sox, without question, the best club of this season for the American League; and Los Angeles Dodgers competitors, growing up in difficult times, for the National League, will be in charge of the dispute over the October quote, as of Tuesday, October 23.

The first two games will be held at Boston 's Fenway Park, today 23 and tomorrow 24; The next three games will be held at Dodgers Stadium, if necessary, on October 26th, 27th and 28th. If you need the sixth and seventh games, you will return to Boston to play on October 30 and 31. All matches will start at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time.

The winner of the World Series will be the club that will win four of the seven commitments expected.

The ninth century-old major league baseball, on a unique occasion in the history of the classic, played for the crown during the 1916 nomination, when the Red Sox triumphed, while Babe Ruth the unforgettable Casey Stengel in their ranks, facing the Dodgers, then Brooklyn, winning four of the five challenges that they have developed.

The Red Sox are looking for their ninth crown of laurels, three of which won during this century, the last won in 2013, defeating the Cardinals of San Luis, for 4 wins against 2 losses; while the Dodgers go in search of their seventh World Series trophy, the last one reached in the 1988 event, that is, they have not experienced the triumphs of this last class since three decades.

Alex Cora, of Puerto Rico, has in his hands the reins of Boston's "Pati-Rojos", a beginner as a foreman who gave free rein to his Latin malice by directing his students; while the North American Dave Roberts, guide the strategies of the "dodgers", which for the second year in a row, reach the grand finale.

Roberts and Cora were teammates of the Dodgers in 2004, but during a tradeoff in this season's finals, he took Dave into the ninth row of the Red Sox that year, when he was in the lineup. They broke an 86 year old fast without winning the fall classic.

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